Setup a Raspberry Pi to run a Web Browser in Kiosk Mode
A 安装X Server及窗口管理软件:
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg x11-xserver-utils xinit openbox
B 安装浏览器:
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends chromium-browser
C 配置Openbox, 位置 /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart
# Disable any form of screen saver / screen blanking / power management
xset s off
xset s noblank
xset -dpms
# Allow quitting the X server with CTRL-ATL-Backspace
setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
# 如果安装的输入法不能正确在浏览器里使用, 加上这一行, libpinyin可以替换成你习惯的
# 先要安装 sudo apt-get install fcitx fcitx-libpinyin
# fcitx -r libpinyin &
# Start Chromium in kiosk mode
sed -i 's/"exited_cleanly":false/"exited_cleanly":true/' ~/.config/chromium/'Local State'
sed -i 's/"exited_cleanly":false/"exited_cleanly":true/; s/"exit_type":"[^"]\+"/"exit_type":"Normal"/' ~/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences
chromium-browser --disable-infobars --kiosk 'http://your-url-here'
C 测试(若需要鼠标等操作, 去掉nocursor):
startx -- -nocursor
D 设置开机启动浏览器 修改~/.bash_profile文件增加一行(同样,若需要鼠标等操作, 去掉nocursor)
[[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && startx -- -nocursor
E 最后, 用raspi-config命令调出配置界面,设置好树莓派开机自动以pi用户登录
最后的最后, 若想实现Web界面调用树莓派本机的一些功能, 可以用Python脚本启动一个微型web服务,比如内置的wsgiref模块,开机自动启动(此web server脚本,以http://localhost:port/xxx的方式把shell脚本的功能通过web api暴露出来让Web界面调用
Alt + F4, 退出浏览器, 回到openbox, 点右键可执行其它操作.
修改启动图片: raspi-config: System Options -> Splash Screen. 若出现 the splash screen is not installed so cannot be activate, 安装apt install rpd-plym-splash, 把splash.png拷贝到 /usr/share/plymouth/themes/pix/, 或者修改/usr/share/plymouth/themes/pix/pix.script 里的图片路径, 参考:
如果没有即时替换掉默认启动图片, 试试: sudo plymouth-set-default-theme --rebuild-initrd pix
------------- Pi 5 出现 Cannot run in framebuffer mode -----------------
参考 &
Try add below configuration to a file named 99-vc4.conf and save to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory.
Section "OutputClass"
Identifier "vc4"
MatchDriver "vc4"
Driver "modesetting"
Option "PrimaryGPU" "true"
Usage tips
- If Chromium (or the X server) crashes, press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to kill the X server and restart it with startx -- -nocursor
- If you need a terminal session, you can switch to one of the other consoles by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2 (or any other function key). Pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 brings you back to the first console where Chromium is running.
- press Ctrl-Blank to change input method.