An error occurs frequently, but if you visit the URL in a web browser once, the build succeeds. It's like a prayer ritual...

If pip install encounters the error AttributeError: module 'pkgutil' has no attribute 'ImpImporter'. Did you mean: 'zipimporter'?, try the following commands:


python -m ensurepip --upgrade python -m pip install …

If you are using DRF and receiving JSON data via, try using request.body instead.

In a development environment, if you want to connect to an MQTT broker within a Docker container, try using 'host.docker.internal' as the broker address.


Getting Started

Asian character support PS. Execute the 'fbterm' test on the 'beepy' terminal, without using SSH.

Create your own password management device for easy carrying.

Show …


WebSocket API using

Programming in html attributes....😭

Refuse to put hyperscript on this list...

Follow this article to implement htmx validation:

The original code is as follows:

// Source: htmx.defineExtension('bs-validation', {   onEvent: function (name, evt, data) {        …

When running the command "RUN sed -i 's/' /etc/apt/sources.list" in the Dockerfile, if you encounter the error "/etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory," change "/etc/apt/sources.list" to "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources."

For programmers in …

After using the command "service crond status" to check, the following information appears: "Cron: pam_unix (cron:session): session opened/closed for user root by (uid=0)".

This is because cron can run at …

In Chrome extension code, whenever you include the  


tags in HTML and click any button within the form, even if the button type is set to "button" instead of …

A django gettext with python brace format, this is correct :

gettext('Welcome to {0} store!').format(store_name),

and this is wrong:

gettext('Welcome to {0} store!'.format(store_name))

While upgrading Django Channels from 3.x to 4.0, if you encounter issues with the WebSocket handshake process, one solution is to add "daphne" to the top of the INSTALLED_APPS list …

First time using Copilot to code, I need to keep my mind focused and not be distracted by it...

pip install segno import segno wifi_settings = { ssid='(Wifi Name)', password='(Wifi Password)', security='WPA', } wifi = segno.helpers.make_wifi(**wifi_settings), dark=yellow, light=#323524, scale=8)


I tried to retrieve data using the BigIntegerField ID in Django, but the returned queryset was empty.

After trying several times, I found that all of the IDs became 6977919360329322000, …

家里一个连接信息板的小显示器是某宝上买的电子垃圾, 经常重启树莓派后显示“无信号”, 像碰运气一样拔插电源成功.

今天实在受不了, 网上查了下, 

vim /boot/config.txt 里把 config_hdmi_boost = 前面的注释去掉, 重启, 搞定.

上一行的注释里写着门板大一样的一行说明: “uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference, blanking, or no display”.