


The second solution is better; it works in both dark and light modes, while the first one only works in light mode.


Open your gradle file located …


sudo apt-get install smartmontools


The script:

#!/bin/bash # Check if a hard disk device parameter has been provided if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "Error: Hard disk …

Syncing a Bitcoin full node on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ took about one month and synced only 46 GB of data. I then bought a second-hand Lenovo Center mini PC …

sudo apt install speedometer speedometer -r eth0 speedometer -r wlan0

For old models of Raspberry Pi, it is a good feature when the device's performance is low.

Prevent the device from dying.


At first, I wrote a shell script to combine mounting the device and executing commands, but it always failed.

Then I wrote two services: one for mounting the device and …

An error occurs frequently, but if you visit the URL https://fnm.vercel.app/install in a web browser once, the build succeeds. It's like a prayer ritual...

If pip install encounters the error AttributeError: module 'pkgutil' has no attribute 'ImpImporter'. Did you mean: 'zipimporter'?, try the following commands:


python -m ensurepip --upgrade python -m pip install …

If you are using DRF and receiving JSON data via request.data, try using request.body instead.


In a development environment, if you want to connect to an MQTT broker within a Docker container, try using 'host.docker.internal' as the broker address.



Getting Started


Asian character support

https://gist.github.com/charlestsai1995/54ab65a87e2e063ea25eb3aec4193fe1 PS. Execute the 'fbterm' test on the 'beepy' terminal, without using SSH.

Create your own password management device for easy carrying.


Show …


WebSocket API using okx.com.

Programming in html attributes....😭

Refuse to put hyperscript on this list...

Follow this article to implement htmx validation: https://marcus-obst.de/blog/bootstrap-validation-with-htmx.

The original code is as follows:

// Source: https://gist.github.com/marcus-at-localhost/c9f0a34a2e19d666fd95f61f002ea516 htmx.defineExtension('bs-validation', {   onEvent: function (name, evt, data) {        …

When running the command "RUN sed -i 's/http://deb.debian.org/http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apt/sources.list" in the Dockerfile, if you encounter the error "/etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory," change "/etc/apt/sources.list" to "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources."

For programmers in …

After using the command "service crond status" to check, the following information appears: "Cron: pam_unix (cron:session): session opened/closed for user root by (uid=0)".

This is because cron can run at …

In Chrome extension code, whenever you include the  


tags in HTML and click any button within the form, even if the button type is set to "button" instead of …