I have been experiencing stomach pain recently, and the doctor gave me some medicine; however, one of them is for depression.

Is not being able to log in to GitHub related to Prime Minister Li's passing?


Crazy country, GitHub blocked again.

In my dream last night, my brother informed me that our old man had returned to our old house and found peace there. I cried out as the others left. …

Open the image using Preview. Select the entire image by pressing Ctrl + A, copy it with Ctrl + C, and then paste it onto the same image. You will …

"At first, you can only sell your products in person. If you have 100 clients, then SEO, content marketing, SNS marketing, etc., can work." - From the book "Small and Beautiful"

Programming in html attributes....😭

Refuse to put hyperscript on this list...

Follow this article to implement htmx validation: https://marcus-obst.de/blog/bootstrap-validation-with-htmx.

The original code is as follows:

// Source: https://gist.github.com/marcus-at-localhost/c9f0a34a2e19d666fd95f61f002ea516 htmx.defineExtension('bs-validation', {   onEvent: function (name, evt, data) {        …

Probability is a beast you cannot tame, but you can try to coexist with it peacefully.

When running the command "RUN sed -i 's/http://deb.debian.org/http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apt/sources.list" in the Dockerfile, if you encounter the error "/etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory," change "/etc/apt/sources.list" to "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources."

For programmers in …

I've been watching the TV series 'Silo' recently. It has made me think about our lives here, especially the birth control implant device...

As mentioned in Part 1, I need to solve the first three problems. I discussed this idea with one of my good friends, and he suggested that I give it …

I am 45 years old this year. In China, We call middle-aged programmers "old programming farmers" here.

I developed hundreds of software projects. When I graduated from collage, I wrote …

I feel deeply saddened for my 83-year-old mom who is going through the distressing experience of seeing ghosts. It's a situation that leaves me feeling completely powerless. I want nothing …

After using the command "service crond status" to check, the following information appears: "Cron: pam_unix (cron:session): session opened/closed for user root by (uid=0)".

This is because cron can run at …

Today, I took my boy to see "Castle in the Sky," hoping to introduce him to the concepts of love and bravery, even though he may not have fully grasped …

In Chrome extension code, whenever you include the  


tags in HTML and click any button within the form, even if the button type is set to "button" instead of …

Why is hub.docker.com blocked? WTF!


R.I.P. https://coolshell.cn/haoel